Original artworks and commissions. Patriotic Art, Presidential Portraits, Monumental Photographs, Architectural Sculptures, Oil Paintings, Acrylic Paintings, Prints, and Historic Antique US flags.
Washington, DC Art by Washington, DC Artists
Gallery at Studio Burke DC

Laura Roosevelt is proud to announce her new collection of American Art.
The great granddaughter of Franklin D. and Eleanor Roosevelt is calling it “Laura Roosevelt American.” In this Presidential election year, Laura has captured the American historical political experience in a unique, compelling, and creative manner. Laura’s view is that the past, the present and future of American art is created by the constant mix of ideas, values, images, and media that capture the time. Laura’s works will provide the collector with an opportunity to own pieces that reflect an important part of our history in a highly creative and beautiful way.
Combining imagery of the 32nd President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, the First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Mahatma Gandhi, President Harry Truman and other notable figures of the 20th century with her abstract painting, Laura's objective is to remind the world of the character, integrity, and strength of past leaders and show us what is needed to face the challenges of the world today.
Laura Roosevelt American blends her own distinctive use of democratic iconography, the laurel leaves and filigree, within her foundation of abstract painting to offer to the collector a new and fresh experience of Abstract Art incorporating the American heritage.
The photos used in the art were provided to Laura by Ken Burns, the famous historian film maker who made available the 25,000 images he gathered in the making of his documentary on the Roosevelts. Laura has selected a wide variety of images representing themes including the WPA, Suffrage, Racial Equality, The Depression, Poverty, WWII and many others. She has also incorporated American and British Flags.
Her work is meant to reflect the role these important figures played in the quest for freedom, civic action, and the founding principal of America that ‘all men are created equal, and have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness’.